Edmundo O. Ramirez went to meet his Maker on October 13, 2017.
Born in Laredo, Texas in 1952, at the early age of five, Edmundo attended Mount Sacred Heart Military Boarding School in San Antonio, where he learned to stand up for himself. When Edmundo was nine years old, he, his sister and older brother joined his parents and younger brother in Apatzingan, Michoacan where his father, Daniel Ramirez, had established a produce company. Edmundo's mother, Luz Maria Portugal Ramirez helped to build a Catholic Church in Apaztingan to ensure that Edmundo and his siblings were raised in the Catholic religion, and also for the benefit of the whole community. During this time, Edmundo attended the best schools in Morelia and Mexico City.
In 1967 he moved back to Laredo, graduating from Martin High School in 1969. He attended Laredo Junior College and transferred to Sam Houston State University in 1970. He dropped out of school to own and manage a Laredo convenience store, "The Neighborhood Center," for six years. He involved his family by employing some of his younger cousins as they were growing up. His store was known for its pit barbacoa and carne asada which was a traditional Sunday attraction looked forward to by many families in the Laredo Heights neighborhood.
After six years, Edmundo decided to pursue a lifelong dream and returned to Sam Houston State receiving his Bachelors Degree in the Fall of 1982. He entered Law School in 1983 at Texas Southern University, Thurgood Marshall School of Law, achieving high marks. He then transferred to the Law Center at the University of Houston in 1984, graduating with a Doctors of Jurisprudence in December 1985. In early 1986, he joined the Ellis and Koeneke Law Firm in McAllen Texas, where within a year he became a partner, changing the name of the firm to Ellis, Koeneke and Ramirez. He was Board certified in Civil Trial by the State Board of Legal Specialization and became head of the Firm's Litigation Section, with a fierce passion for helping his clients. He always appreciated the mentoring given to him by his partners, Bill Ellis and Tom Koeneke.
Edmundo went on to become a well known and respected litigator. Preparation was high on his priority list, working many hours in planning for upcoming trials. He would say, "It's better to be over-prepared in order to ensure success." His primary areas of practice included commercial, oil and gas, tort and civil litigation, in addition to banking law. He successfully litigated matters involving multi-million dollar oil and gas royalty disputes, complex commercial and business litigation, toxic tort and contamination cases, and catastrophic personal injury cases. Edmundo was selected to the Texas Monthly "Texas Super Lawyers" for the past 12 years. However, he was most proud of the priviledge to represent and passionately fight for the Dioceses of Brownsville and its many schools and churches.
Edmundo was a man of discipline and traditions. He spent his free time at home in the company of his wife, Deanna, of 29 years, and their loving dog, Mio. He had a tradition of cooking out...rain, heat, or cold...every Friday and Saturday nights. He never missed his early morning workouts, whether at home or on the road, and enjoyed taking Mio for his daily walk in the neighborhood.
He loved music, listening to all genres, and relaxing to the old classics, and classical music. He was especially fond of watching soccer games on Mexican TV, taking his wife to Spain to watch the Super Clasico between Barcelona and Madrid. They travelled to several countries, and attended many major sporting events and concerts across the United States.
In addition to the love of his home life and his passion and commitment to the Law Firm, Edmundo's favorite place to be was at South Padre Island where he found peace and rest at his beach-side condo, under the umbrella surf-side reading his books. As President of The Summit Condominiums for several years, he was admired and appreciated by the owners and their families for volunteering his capable oversight in ensuring a quality environment.
Edmundo was a generous man, both materially and in imparting his big-picture wisdom. He privately provided assistance to many in need, and contributed to various charities, religious and community organizations. Edmundo was regularly sought out for sage advice from young and old, on both legal, private, and family matters. His values of commitment and loyalty were evident and demonstrated by his every day actions.
Once anyone met Edmundo, they never forgot him. Always impeccably dressed for the occasion, he had an exuberant manner with joking barbs for friends and family alike. He could discuss a wide-range of topics and kept the conversation interesting. Those who knew him well saw the sensitive and caring side to his big personality. Baptised a Catholic, Edmundo had a silent spirituality and prayed daily to His Lord and Savior. He was a member of St. Paul's parish in Mission where he was married in 1988, and after moving to McAllen became a member of Our Lady of Sorrows Church.
Edmundo was a fighter. He fought hard for his clients and protected those he loved. He lived life on his own terms, and he died on his own terms.
This rock solid, self-made man will be missed by many.